Our Story


Healthy nutrient-rich soil ~ leading to healthy nutrient-rich food ~ leading to healthy, happy humans.

We support local farmers to reintroduce wild plants to our food growing systems which will ensure the long-term health of our soil and our produce.

We empower people by sharing wisdom on how to make your own herbal medicine, returning simple remedies to every household.


Annette Müller, founding mamma of Wild Nettle, is devoted to spreading wisdom about the weeds and their healing properties. She was initiated as a Green Witch in the Wise Woman Tradition and has been nourishing her body with wild plants ever since. They say when you find a good thing, you must pass it on, and so her greatest wish is to share this wisdom and ritual with you all.

At Wild Nettle, our mission it to return ancient ways of healing, with a sexy modern twist, back to a people and a planet in need.